Furnace tune–ups are always necessary, even in Arizona. Investing in your home’s heating and cooling system is more than just a one-time thing. Routine maintenance keeps it operational longer, keeps costs down, and minimizes the risk of having to call for repairs.
If you are unsure if a furnace tune-up is necessary in Arizona, reach out to a trusted Arizona heating repair service for a one-on-one consultation.
Furnace Tune-Ups Are Essential for Everyone
A furnace tune-up is a process in which a trained technician will work through your furnace system and make updates, changes, and improvements as needed based on the manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements.
Tune-ups are not the monthly maintenance tasks you need to do to keep your system working efficiently. They should only be done by a licensed technician.
A tune-up is a critical investment, and the manufacturer of your furnace may require you to maintain it in this manner in order for a warranty on the system to be applicable.
Yet, putting that aside, there are numerous valuable reasons why you need a tune–up, even if you have a brand-new system. Those reasons may include:
- Minimizing the risk of breakdowns
- Ensuring no electrical concerns that could lead to fire
- Inspecting the components to ensure no insect or animal damage
- Verifying the motor and working components are operating properly
- Minimizing any risk of natural gas or other types of potential fuel leaks
- Checking the air quality to be sure it is safe for your home
What to Expect from a Tune-Up of Your Furnace
The tune-up for your Arizona home’s furnace will be specific to the manufacturer, type of system, and overall condition. Since each system works a bit differently, it is critical to choose a heating technician with specific experience in the make and model you own. The following are some of the specific tasks that a certified technician will complete to tune up your furnace:
- Lubrication of the motor bearings and moving parts
- Adjust the fan belt tension
- Voltage and current checks on the system
- Inspection and calibration of your home’s thermostat
- Change the air filter
- Inspect the condensate drain and clear it as needed
- Verify and adjust the gas pressure on the system
- Test the exhaust system
- Tighten up all electrical connections and visually inspect them
- Test the ignition system
- Test for carbon monoxide levels
- Clear both the interior and exterior of the furnace
- Check all connections to the gas or oil lines
- Inspect and clean the burner as needed
These are just some of the many factors that must be updated and checked to complete a full tune-up on a furnace in Arizona.
Keep in mind that even if you do not use your furnace often, you still need to keep it operational, and that means keeping all of these working components in good condition and operating properly. If that does not happen, the rest of the system is at risk, so be sure to learn more about furnace tune-ups in our FAQs section.
The Benefits of a Furnace Tune-Up in Arizona
You need a furnace tune-up in Arizona simply because it is a major system in your home that requires updating and monitoring from time to time.
There are other reasons for it as well, and often, as the homeowner, you benefit from these the most. By having a furnace tune-up in Arizona, you may benefit from several things:
- Improved efficiency: When the furnace operates properly, which it will do after the tune-up, that ensures the best possible efficiency from the system. This ultimately saves you money on your energy bills.
- Increased lifespan: Tune-ups keep all of the components operating the right way over time, and as that happens, it ensures they work in alignment with each other. That can extend the service life of your system.
- Improved comfort and performance: The heating system is likely to work better after your tune-up. In an area like Arizona, where you may not use your furnace as much as you might expect in northern states, this is critical.
- Minor issues are fixed: Your tune-up will include updates to minor components. This includes fittings or other components, including your air filter that can help improve overall function and performance. This can prevent breakdowns and emergency repair calls throughout the year.
It only takes a few hours to have peace of mind through a furnace tune-up, and doing so can help to ensure your system continues to operate for you in the way you expect.
When you flip on your heating on the coldest night of the year, you gain the confidence to know it is working properly.
Ambient Edge offers a 5-star satisfaction guarantee, and we can handle this entire process for you.
Protect Your Family this Winter with a Furnace Inspection Now
Your home’s heating system is one that you may not turn on all that often until it gets very cold outside. Still, there is the risk that, over time, it can become damaged or otherwise deteriorate, causing exposure to carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is highly dangerous because it has no odor or visibility, leading to carbon monoxide poisoning basics you should learn from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). An older furnace can cause carbon monoxide leaks.
These are particularly dangerous in the winter months when there is little ventilation in the home. However, you may have no idea what is happening. Your tune-up with our team at Ambient Edge will pinpoint these concerns for you and fix any problems to protect your family.
The reality is that carbon monoxide may cause dizziness and fatigue, but it can also cause death if you or your family falls asleep while there is a leak in the home.
A working carbon monoxide detector is a critical factor in protecting your family. Let Ambient Edge check your furnace while you make sure the detector is working.
Contact Ambient Edge Now to Schedule a Tune-Up in Arizona
Now is the perfect time to schedule a furnace tune-up in Arizona. To do so, call the Las Vegas air conditioning repair company, Ambient Edge, and let us know as much information as possible about your system.
Our team is happy to offer an estimate for the service when you give us a call.