Short-cycling furnaces are problematic for heating your home and keeping your furnace in good working order. If this is happening with your system, you may need to learn how to reset the furnace flame sensor.
Though this is often a task for an AC repair company in Las Vegas, NV, you can shut down your furnace for 20 seconds or more and then turn it back on as an initial step in the process.
What the Flame Sensor Does
The flame sensor (A Complete Guide to Furnace Flame Sensors) on your furnace is an important component. It looks like a thin, small metallic rod within the furnace’s burner assembly. This sensor is one of numerous located within the system that aims to protect it and your family from breakdowns and fires.
The flame sensor turns off power and fuel if it detects an unsafe condition within the system. Being locked out by this is not uncommon and often occurs until the system is reset. Understanding the mechanics here is important to know how to approach fixing it.
If the furnace becomes too hot or the electrical system fails, a reset button will prevent it from short-cycling on and off as it would otherwise. It will also prevent the furnace from tripping your circuit breaker. You will need to hit the reset button to allow the system to come back online and allow that flame sensor to start over.
What Happens After You Reset the Flame Sensor
Suppose your system frequently short-cycles on and off. When it does this, you can reset the furnace flame sensor to open the gas valve. If the sensor detects a flame, it will shut back down within 10 seconds.
It will do this again, turning it on to determine if it is safe and turning it off if not. This happens a total of three times before the control board will shut down. Three times is the standard on most furnaces, although some may be different).
The system will lock out at that point, meaning you will not be able to turn it back on. Most of the time, this happens as a result of a problem with the flame sensor. This may also occur if the limit switches or igniters are faulty. In all of those situations, you will benefit from having a professional inspect and replace the faulty components.
How to Reset the Flame Sensor on Your Furnace
Whenever you become locked out, no matter why it occurs, you will need to reset the furnace flame sensor to get the system back up and working. It is also a good idea to simply reset the sensor randomly. However, if this happens constantly, and you feel like you are resetting it often, you need to have a professional examination of the system completed.
You can try to reset the system yourself. To do that, you will need to have some working knowledge of the system and understand why it is locked down since you do not want to start up an unsafe system. Most of the time, turning off the power for about 20 seconds and turning it back on will reset the gas furnace, though some systems will need 1 to 2 hours.
Remember that most systems do this for a reason. If you have not found and fixed the problem, the process starts over. For that reason, it is best to have a technician who offers a satisfaction guarantee examine the furnace to ensure that it is operating properly.
Ensure Your Sensor Is Clean
One of the most common reasons the HVAC system struggles is debris buildup on the surface of the flame sensor. This often happens in older systems or those that need maintenance more often. If this furnace flame sensor has debris, it will have limited functionality.
You can inspect it yourself. If you turn to your furnace’s owner’s manual to locate the flame sensor, you may see a carbon buildup that needs to be removed. Remember that you need to be safe any time you work on the furnace.
Before you try to clean the sensor, it’s important to turn off the power supply. Keep the system off and flip the breaker to ensure no risk to you during the process. Because problems can occur, it is always recommended that a licensed professional handle this type of work for you.
How Ambient Edge Can Help You
When it comes to maintaining your home’s furnace, do not put maintenance on the back burner. Instead, make it a priority and a component of the tasks you perform around your home to keep your system operating efficiently. That starts with replacing the furnace filter at least one time every few months during the high-use season.
You also want to have an annual inspection of your furnace from a licensed technician from our team. We will come out and check all working components for proper function, cleanliness, and overall functionality. If there is a problem, we will make sure you know about it and can make the best decisions to repair it to preserve your system’s long-term functionality.
If you notice any signs of the furnace flame sensor locking your system out or short cycling often happening with your furnace system, do not wait to contact our team at Ambient Edge for guidance and help.
We will pinpoint what is occurring and provide you with both affordable and reliable repairs to get it back up and working properly. That means finding out what the problem is so you do not have to worry about cold nights, especially when your equipment is protected by our 10-year warranty.
Contact Our Team at Ambient Edge for Help with Your Furnace
At Ambient Edge, we can teach you how to reset the furnace flame sensor on your system if you want to do so. We can also pinpoint the problem and make the repairs for you. Contact us now to discuss the options we can offer to you.