Getting a new Honeywell thermostat is exciting; the brand is known for making thermostats with high-tech functions. Now it’s time to learn how to set up your Honeywell thermostat to heat up or cool down your home.
At Ambient Edge, our Las Vegas air conditioning company specializes in improving your home with quality appliances and excellent customer service. Learn how to set the date, time, and temperature of your Honeywell thermostat.
Determine What Type of Thermostat You Have
You first need to figure out if your Honeywell thermostat is manual or digital. Depending on the type you have, there will be a different way to set and program it. Let’s take a look at how to tell what type of thermostat you have. Once you know what type of thermostat you have, you can look up the user manual.
A common way to know if you have a manual thermostat is its round shape. There will also be a “system” switch that controls heat and cool functions and allows you to turn it off.
Many manual thermostats also have a “fan” switch that you can turn on or set to auto. When you set it to auto, your thermostat’s fan only runs when you have the heat or air conditioning on. But when you set the fan to On, it will run no matter what.
Digital thermostats are easier to identify because most of them will have a screen with digital numbers. Some digital thermostats will have animations and even color; these are usually more high-tech.
With digital thermostats, there are programmable and non-programmable digital thermostats. If there is a “Set” or “Prog” button, then you can program the thermostat. If you don’t see either of those buttons, then your digital thermostat is not programmable.
If you have trouble determining if your Honeywell thermostat is manual or digital, our team of expert technicians can help you. We can also answer any questions you may have about your thermostat.
How to Set the Date and Time of Your Honeywell Thermostat
The next step in setting your Honeywell thermostat is to set the time and date. If you have a manual thermostat, there is a small chance that you will have this option. If you do, it will be a “Set Clock/Day” button that you can press. Then you can use the arrow keys to set the date and time.
For a digital Honeywell thermostat, the process is about the same. Depending on your thermostat’s model, you might be able to set the time and date right on the touch screen of your thermostat.
If you have any issues setting the date or time on your Honeywell thermostat, you should consult the instructions manual. If you aren’t able to find a solution in the manual, then you can contact one of our service experts, and we can help you get your thermostat’s date and time right.
How to Set the Temperature of Your Honeywell Thermostat
If you have a manual thermostat, setting the temperature on your Honeywell thermostat is simple. All you need to do is to press the up and down buttons to set the temperature. The temperature you set will stay until you change the temperature again.
When programming a digital Honeywell thermostat, you have more options, and it allows you to program a temperature schedule for five days a week. Digital thermostats like the Honeywell Pro Series programmable thermostat allow you to set a daily program of home and away. That way, when you’re not home, you can save money on your energy bill by having the AC off and programming it to turn on when you get home. If you’re looking to set you thermostat for winter or summer, be sure you know the optimal temperatures for each season to save the most on your energy costs.
To do this, you can go to your settings on your thermostat, and you’ll see a menu for the home and away setting. There, you can set the temperatures, times, and days you want the program to run. When you’re done choosing the details of the program you want to set, press “set schedule,” and it will automatically set it.
It’s important to keep in mind this is just one of Honeywell’s many thermostats, and you should look at your specific thermostat’s instruction manual to set it properly. If you need help determining what model your Honeywell thermostat is, our team of service experts can help you locate the model number.
Contact Ambient Edge for Assistance with Your Honeywell Thermostat
If you’ve recently bought a Honeywell thermostat and need help setting it up, or need to reset your thermostat, our service experts can help you. At Ambient Edge, we are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your Honeywell thermostat, whether it’s manual or digital.
Whether it be setting the temperature or troubleshooting issues you may have, we’re ready to help. Call us or fill out the contact form on our website to schedule service.