Identifying the allergens that affect your health and learning how to protect yourself against them can keep you feeling great all autumn long. At Ambient Edge, we believe that a properly functioning HVAC system is one of the best defenses against autumn allergens.
That’s why we’ve compiled this list of the five most common fall allergens in Las Vegas. We’ve also included some tips to help you improve your home’s indoor air quality so that you don’t have to worry about allergens affecting you and your family’s health.
1. Mold and Mildew
Mold and mildew can grow in your home, garden, and virtually anywhere else. These fall allergens can cause breathing problems and irritation to the skin. If you’ve noticed that mold and mildew have been affecting your health, stay tuned to learn how to protect your home from both of these harmful allergens.
2. Pollen
While most people associate pollen with the warmer months, it can also appear in the fall. You’ll know you’re having an allergic reaction to pollen if you’re congested, sneezing, and have a runny nose. Keep reading to learn how to pollen-proof your home this fall.
3. Ragweed
Ragweed is one of the most common fall allergens in Las Vegas. If you have a ragweed allergy, you’re probably aware that the plant can cause congestion, wheezing, itchy eyes, sore throat, and a number of other symptoms.
4. Other Plants
Ragweed isn’t the only plant that might affect your health this fall. If you live in Las Vegas, you’ll want to learn more about curly dock, pigweed, and sagebrush. Understanding the effects of plant pollen and how to protect yourself against them will help you stay healthy and comfortable this fall.
5. Dust and Pet Dander
If you have a pollen or mold allergy, you’re probably also affected by dust and pet dander. Dust and pet dander can accumulate in your home, circulate through your ventilation system, and cause a variety of unwanted symptoms and health effects. Protecting yourself against indoor and outdoor allergies will allow you to enjoy this autumn to the fullest!
How to Combat Las Vegas’s Most Common Fall Allergens
There are a few things you can do to protect your home from allergens. First, you’ll want to invest in an air purifier. An air purifier will help remove pollen, dust, and other unwanted particles from your home. We recommend opting for a central air purifier, as it can be installed in your existing HVAC system and will purify all the air that circulates through your home.
When looking for a new air purifier, try to find one with a high MERV rating. According to the EPA, purifiers with high MERV ratings are highly effective at removing small particles from the air in your home. Once you’ve installed a new air purifier, we suggest scheduling a maintenance appointment for your HVAC system.
During an HVAC maintenance appointment, a technician will clean areas of your system that you wouldn’t be able to reach on your own. They’ll remove pollen, dust, and other allergens from your system so that they don’t affect you and your loved ones this fall.
Changing Your HVAC Air Filter Regularly Can Reduce Allergens in Your Home
Changing your HVAC system’s air filter is another easy way to lower the amount of airborne particles in your home. A new filter will scrub dust, pollen, and other irritants from the air that circulates in your home.
Switching out your filter every month will help you stay healthy during the fall and any other season. If you need help installing your new filter, get in touch with your local HVAC repair service. They’ll send out a friendly technician to get the job done so that you can breathe easy!
Additional Ways to Combat Seasonal Allergens in Las Vegas
While installing an air purifier, scheduling HVAC maintenance, and changing your filters will drastically improve your home’s indoor air quality, there are a number of additional measures you can take to combat allergens, such as:
- Keeping your windows closed
- Dusting and vacuuming your home frequently
- Rinsing your nasal passage with a saline solution
- Taking over-the-counter histamines
- Scheduling an appointment with an allergist to find out what you’re allergic to
Allergy symptoms can be incredibly uncomfortable, but there’s a lot you can do to mitigate them. If you’re suffering from allergies this fall, make sure to follow the advice we’ve provided to reduce your symptoms and avoid contact with irritants.
Ambient Edge Can Help You Reduce the Presence of Allergens in Your Home
Our HVAC maintenance team in Las Vegas can protect your home from allergens and harmful airborne particles this fall. They can help you find and install a high MERV-rated air purifier that’s guaranteed to scrub unwanted allergens from the air in your home.
They’ll also help you change your filters, clean your HVAC system, and perform other adjustments that will improve your home’s air quality. To schedule a maintenance appointment with one of our NATE-certified technicians, contact us today.