Tossing and turning over work worries and stress about family can really ruin your sleep. These aren’t the only things that keep you up at night when your HVAC system needs attention. Exposure to indoor air pollutants and other issues can make it hard to get restful sleep.
Here are 7 ways indoor air quality can affect your sleep. In addition, we’ve included some important residential HVAC solutions. Making these changes can help you feel better and be healthier when you get the rest you need.
How Poor Air Quality Can Keep You from Sleeping Soundly
Whether indoors or outdoors, air pollution is a significant public health concern, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). As much as 91% of people in the world live where contaminants in the air affect their health. Exposure to indoor pollutants and issues causes a higher rate of respiratory sleep problems for those under 18. Adults often suffer breathing disorders while sleeping, such as apnea.
Modern homes are built more securely to prevent excessive airflow in and out. This brings valuable savings on heating and cooling expenses, but it also means that air quality can easily degrade within your home. Simply opening the windows now and then will not make a big difference, and your sleep can be substantially worse unless you take action.
Losing sleep or getting poor-quality sleep can lead to a number of physical and mental health problems. Poor indoor air quality can make those with asthma suffer more frequent episodes, and it can even cause you to develop this respiratory problem. Likewise, older homeowners who rely on supplemental oxygen may struggle to stay healthy with bad air and restless sleep.
1 – Poor Air Quality Can Increase Allergies
Seasonal allergies often get worse in the spring and fall, times when people may be opening windows for fresh air. While this can make the home seem brighter, it also allows allergens such as dust, pollen, and other pollutants into your home. Once you close the windows, your HVAC system recirculates those allergens continuously.
These substances become trapped in your duct system. Without a thorough duct cleaning, you’ll suffer coughing, watery eyes, and a runny nose more often, even when you sleep. It’s no surprise that most people with allergies find their symptoms are worse at night. Sleeping with your bedroom door closed concentrates the pollutants on your bedding, where they get disturbed and reintroduced into the air when you get into bed.
2 – Not Enough Ventilation
When everyone closes their room doors at night, it provides privacy, quiet, and security. However, it also means the air in your home isn’t circulating properly. The efficiency of your HVAC system relies on being able to move air throughout a home smoothly to remove odors, gases, and other pollutants. Closed doors decrease your system’s ability to do its job.
Closed rooms also concentrate the amount of carbon dioxide in your room. Keeping your doors closed and windows shut at night helps your home stay quiet and secure. Exposure to these higher levels can not only keep you from sleeping well, but they can affect your ability to think and reason the following day. To increase ventilation, try leaving your bedroom doors partially open.
3 – Fluctuating Temperatures
In Nevada and Arizona, extreme temperature swings are everyday occurrences. Most of us have heating and cooling systems to help our homes stay comfortable year-round. When the air conditioning is not blowing cold air, you can get overheated under the covers. This disrupts your sleep, often causing you to sweat and wake up feeling uncomfortable.
The Cleveland Clinic recommends a temperature between 65-67 degrees at night to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep. In addition to throwing an extra blanket on the bed so you stay cozy but cool, you should schedule an inspection for your AC unit to ensure it can keep up with the demands of working in warm weather.
4 – High Humidity
Increased humidity can make you feel sticky and unpleasant at night. It also makes it harder for your HVAC system to remove pollutants from the air since they can settle in condensation. In Arizona and Nevada, we often struggle to keep enough humidity in our homes to feel comfortable.
When there is too little moisture in the air, pollen and other allergens can circulate more freely. Your nose and breathing passages are drier, making it harder for your body to fight off the effects of inhaling airborne particles.
5 – Dirty Air Filters
Unless you set a reminder on your calendar, it’s easy to forget about changing your air filters regularly. Dirty air filters are one of the most common causes of poor air quality. When it is no longer able to remove particles from circulation, those pollutants are left continuously floating around your home. When you change your filters regularly and clean your vents on a schedule, you can cut down on contaminants that disrupt your nightly rest.
6 – Dirty Ductwork
Ducts are a big part of your home cooling and heating system, yet many homeowners forget about getting them cleaned. These airways collect dust, dirt, and irritants over time and must be cleaned regularly. Changing filters and cleaning vents can make a difference, but clogged ducts trap air pollutants and keep sending them into the air, affecting your sleep.
If you’ve never had your ducts cleaned or have had recent construction, it’s a good time to schedule a duct inspection. When buying a home, you should ask about the last time the ducts were cleaned and have it done if it’s been a while.
7 – Noisy HVAC Components
While your HVAC can contribute to bad air, another quality it can affect is the quiet you need to sleep soundly. When the components of your system clang, bang, or rattle, they can keep you up at night. Using earplugs is one solution, but a noisy system usually means there’s a problem that needs to be repaired.
You Deserve Good Sleep – Treat Yourself to Good Indoor Air Quality Today
Good quality sleep is essential to being healthy. Without it, you are not prepared for your everyday demands and could suffer unnecessary illnesses. Don’t toss and turn when your indoor air quality is to blame.
Instead, contact Ambient Edge and schedule an inspection for your HVAC system. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, 24/7 service, and our VIP Maintenance Club to keep your home comfortable and clean. To sleep better tonight, reach out to our qualified technicians today.