Rain isn’t something you necessarily have to worry about for your outdoor AC unit, particularly if it’s just a drizzle or light rain. Your unit is composed of parts that are sealed and made from metals like aluminum and copper, which are not vulnerable to moisture. However, heavy rain that can cause flooding is certainly more of a concern. So how do you protect your outside AC unit from heavy rain?
Keep reading for more information on how best to protect your air conditioner from the elements. If, however, your AC suffers some damage as a result of extreme conditions, our qualified technicians at Ambient Edge can take a look at it and repair what is broken. Just give us a call to get started.
Covering Your AC Unit
You may wonder if you need to cover your outside AC unit before a rainstorm hits, but you never need to do this. Remember, outdoor equipment is built to withstand extreme weather, even the heaviest of snow. Your outdoor AC unit is no different and should have tiny holes throughout to allow airflow to get in and dry it out.
Not only that, but covers can cause or promote a host of other problems. Animals, particularly rodents, will make a home under the cover in colder weather. If the cover does not have proper ventilation, it will trap the moisture inside. This can encourage mold to form, and you definitely don’t want mold spores blowing around inside your house. It can also cause the AC unit’s parts to corrode from the buildup of excess moisture.
The stakes change when floods are involved. If your AC unit could become even partially submerged in water during a heavy storm, then this could certainly cause it to suffer irreversible damage. The best time to prevent flood damage is during the installation of the unit. The installer should have installed your unit on a raised base. Failing that, you can look into installing a floodwall around the unit to prevent water from getting too close.
If a more serious storm hits, like a hurricane or blizzard, your unit is more at risk of damage from falling tree limbs than flooding – especially if you do not live in a flood zone. After the storm has passed, take a quick check outside to make sure no tree limbs or other large debris could have fallen on and damaged your unit.
If, however, this did happen, record the time and date of the storm and take pictures and videos of the damage. Then, call Ambient Edge immediately, and we’ll be there as soon as possible to assess the damage and advise you of your next steps going forward.
Using Your AC in the Rain
Some folks feel concerned that they should not use their air conditioners in the rain because they think this may encourage a short or some other such breakdown. This is not true. So long as you keep your AC unit in good working order, then even the heaviest of rainstorms is not going to impact its performance whatsoever.
Even on those rainy days when it feels like the rain should be cooling everything off, but it’s only making things more humid instead, go ahead and enjoy your drier, cooler air!
Regular Maintenance
While a cover certainly won’t protect your AC unit from damage, regular maintenance on your AC unit will. When you keep up with the necessary and timely cleanings and tune-ups for your unit, you reduce the chances that your unit will suffer the corrosion that could potentially cause its untimely demise.
At Ambient Edge, we offer a preventive maintenance contract that ensures your unit is well cared for, so you don’t have to worry about when to schedule maintenance, or when your last maintenance appointment was. We keep track of all those dates so you don’t have to, and we visit once a year to check on your system and to do what is necessary to keep it in good working order for the upcoming season.
Having an Issue with Your Outdoor AC Unit? Give Ambient Edge a Call!
No matter how serious or minor your issue with your air conditioning unit may be, we here at Ambient Edge have seen it all and are more than happy to help. We offer competitive pricing on all our repairs (and, if necessary, replacements), and we pride ourselves on being professional and punctual. We’re available when you need us, and we do all we can to ensure your equipment is back up and running with as little inconvenience to you as possible.
Give the team at Ambient Edge a call today, and let’s get your air conditioner back in working order!