Your home’s heating and cooling systems are critical systems that do far more than just keep your home at the right temperature. The air you breathe is not always as clean as it should be and you may believe your home’s heating and cooling system should be doing the work for you. Considering the importance of indoor air quality, then consider what could be happening that is impacting your home’s air quality.
How Your HVAC Impacts Air Quality in Your Home
The Environmental Protection Agency shares that indoor air can actually be as much as five times more polluted than the air outside, and part of that could be because your HVAC system is not helping to keep your air clean. If you have a lot of dust in your home or the air just seems harder to breathe, that could mean it is time to get some help. We can help you.
Our team at Ambient Edge can provide you with a full inspection of your home’s HVAC system to ensure it is working at its best. We also will ensure that you have the air quality tested and considered if there is a concern within your home. Most importantly, we can help you keep these systems working properly.
The question you may have, then, is how the heating and cooling system in your home actually impacts the quality of the air you breathe. You may be surprised by the ways that it does this. Here is a closer look at some examples of this.
#1: Leaking Air Ducts Can Let Dust and Debris into Your Home
One of the first concerns you should have about your home’s heating and cooling system relates to the vents and air ducts, the pathways that treated air flows to your home. If there are holes in them, such as due to rust or damage from animals, that allows for dust and debris to infiltrate any area of the home. This is one of the reasons why you may have a significant amount of dust build-up present.
#2: Clogged Filters Create Dirty Air
Another one of the risks that can occur when it comes to your home’s air quality relates to a clogged air filter, which means that as your heating and cooling system blows air, it is actually pushing air full of debris through the house. Without a doubt, this can lead to dust build-up in your home. For some, it can also cause breathing issues, especially as it worsens.
#3: Controlling Humidity Is a Factor
The home’s air conditioning system works to control the cooling of air, but it also helps to pull out moisture from it, which can directly relate to how easy it is to breathe in your home. If you have high humidity, that is much more challenging on the respiratory system than you may expect. More so, high humidity often means there is a much higher risk of discomfort in the space.
#4: Improve Air Circulation
When your home’s heating and cooling systems are working at their best, you will likely notice that air is moving more freely through your home. That can contribute to enhanced comfort in your space. It can also help to keep your air easier to breathe and just more enjoyable to be in. If the system is not working well, you may never even see the temperature you desire in that area.
#5: Bacteria and Mold Control
Did you know that if you have mold in the basement of your home lurking under the leaking sink, those spores could travel from the basement into your bedroom through ventilation? That can happen as a result of a clogged or inefficient filtration system. Having your system cleaned and well-maintained is critical to avoiding this.
#6: Spreading Odors
If you have ever smelled something lurking in a room in your home and just could not figure out what it was, consider that those odors could be coming from your heating and cooling system. That could include pet odors or food odors, lingering for days after you have prepared those meals. Many times, it also includes chemical vapors, which could be dangerous.
#7: A Well-Maintained System Can Improve Allergy and Asthma Symptoms
When your home’s heating and cooling system is operating properly, it is able to pull out a lot of the debris and allergens that could be aggravating your respiratory symptoms. That often means that if you have allergies or asthma, your home’s HVAC system could actually work to keep you healthier and experiencing fewer symptoms. That is well worth keeping your system working well.
How Is Your HVAC System Impacting Your Home?
It is ideal to have your home’s heating and cooling system inspected and professionally maintained at least one time every year, usually at the start of the major use season for that appliance. Doing this helps to minimize any risks associated with any component of it. It also helps to extend the life of the system.
If you have not had an inspection or any maintenance done to the HVAC in some time, you could be due to have a member of our team come out to provide a full inspection. When we do, we can help pinpoint any areas of concern and give you recommendations on how to keep your system working at its best. We can also address any indoor air quality issues you are having.
If you have dust build-up in your home, respiratory distress more often than usual, or your air seems to have lingering odors, now is the time to give us a call. Let us make sure you are breathing healthy air. It is easier to do than you realize.
Set Up an Appointment with Our HVAC Team Now
Contact Ambient Edge today to set up an appointment to tackle any of your home’s heating and cooling needs. We are happy to help you determine which options are available for improving your home’s air quality. Contact us now for a quote.