Most of us don’t think about breathing. It’s an automatic body function. But when a child has a bout of asthma, or if you suffer from spring allergies, breathing becomes something that we think a lot about. But have you given any thought lately to the quality of the air you’re breathing inside your home?
Indoor Air Quality – A Huge Worldwide Problem
The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks indoor air quality as a big contributor to health problems. That’s because as many as three billion people in third world countries still cook food over an open flame in their homes. WHO says the pollution from indoor cooking causes 3.8 million premature deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, and other breathing-related health disorders.
While we don’t have the same issues in the United States, the U.S. EPA says indoor air quality is in the top five when it comes to environmental risks to the public health. EPA studies have shown that indoor air pollutants are two to five times higher than outdoor pollution!
So what are some of the biggest pollutants in your home? The answers are going to shock you:
- Your couch could be making you sick.
According to the Global Healing Center, furniture purchased before 2006 contains harmful levels of PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers), which are flame retardants coated on the fabric or leather. - Air fresheners are a pleasant whiff of toxins.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) says that aerosol or plug in air fresheners release phthalates, which are chemicals that have been proven to aggravate asthma or other respiratory ailments. - Candles can make you cough.
We love candles. Unfortunately, many of them contain benzene and toluene, which are two known carcinogens. Scented candles also contain hydrocarbons, which is a word you’ve probably heard before – in relation to your car exhaust!
When these chemicals get trapped in your home, they can cause the wheezing, sneezing and shortness of breath that may be plaguing you today. In addition to eliminating some of these containments, consider purifying the air in your home.
The Answer to Indoor Air Pollution – Indoor Air Quality Services
Ambient Edge can consult with you and your family about ways to improve the indoor air quality in your home. If your home is too air tight, your Las Vegas air conditioning unit or furnace will simply disperse the toxins throughout your home. Developing a strategy to purify your indoor air could include:
- Improved ventilation
- Adding a central air cleaner or air purifier
- Replacing standard fiberglass filters with a higher efficiency MERV rated filter designed to capture even the smallest particulates.
- Removing the sources of air contamination.
- Regular professional cleaning of your air conditioner and furnace.
- Regular professional cleaning of the vents and ductwork in your home.
Ambient Edge can help improve the very air you’re breathing inside your home. You don’t have to suffer the wheezing and sneezing that comes with the onset of spring in Nevada. Call us today to find out how we can help protect the health of your family.