Attic insulation is one of the easiest home improvement projects you can tackle, and it offers a host of benefits. In Las Vegas, Nevada’s warm winters, it’s easy to overlook insulation. Ice dams aren’t a problem here as they are in other parts of the country, and you’re not likely to notice the telltale cold spots that typically alert homeowners to insulation issues. However, proper insulation is as important in warm weather as it is in cold.
If you’re not paying attention to the insulation in your home, you’re missing out on many perks related to your home comfort. Here are some compelling reasons to head to that upper story and give your insulation a thorough inspection.
Uneven Temperatures are an Uncomfortable Hassle
If your attic isn’t properly insulated, warm air will naturally rise into this unprotected space. It can then seep back down into your home in any area that’s not properly sealed. Insulation and sealing go hand-in-hand. If you’re tackling one, it’s wise to take a look at the other, as well. Pay attention to uneven cooling in your home and make a note of areas where it’s persistently hot or cold.
Head up to your attic and examine these areas for leaks: Recessed lights, dropped soffits, duct chaseways, and holes for pipes can all leave troublesome openings into the attic. You can plug many holes and open cavities with a plastic garbage bag stuffed with unfaced fiberglass insulation. Place reflective foil or a rigid foam board over dropped soffits and secure with caulk to keep it in place. Sealing your home properly and covering the freshly sealed space with insulation will put an end to unwelcome areas that are too hot or cold.
Low Energy Efficiency is an Expensive Problem
Poor attic insulation will dramatically reduce energy efficiency in your home. If your attic isn’t properly insulated, the air that you’re paying to cool will escape into the attic rather than stay where you want it, in the inhabited portions of your home. You don’t want to pay for cooling that you don’t get to enjoy. A well-insulated home is the first step to an affordable and highly efficient space.
After you’ve addressed your insulation, you can further enhance your energy efficiency by scheduling a routine tuneup for your HVAC system. This will ensure that it’s operating at peak efficiency. Finally, stock up on air filters and change these once every one to three months for an efficient home comfort system that delivers comfortable temperatures at a reasonable price.
Poor Insulation Puts Added Strain on Your Systems
If your home isn’t well insulated, your cooling will escape before it has a chance to measurably improve temperatures in your home. This means that your HVAC system will have to work harder than necessary to deliver mediocre results. The added strain on your system can lead to more frequent repairs and a shorter life span, all of which increase your home comfort expenses.
A Fast Fix Can Have a Lasting Impact
Improving your attic insulation is a relatively simple job. In many homes, it’s as easy as rolling out a new layer on top of the existing insulation for better results. Even if your attic is completely lacking insulation, you can add new batts relatively easily. New insulation will serve your home well for years to come, lowering your energy bill and reducing the strain on your HVAC system.
Insulation isn’t a short-term fix, but a long-term upgrade to your home that improves comfort and reduces your energy bill. Fresh insulation is like installing a new home comfort system. Make the time now to take care of this job, and you’ll enjoy the perks long into the future.
If you’re looking for additional ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency, take a look at your HVAC system. Ambient Edge can help you choose the best products for your home and keep them well maintained throughout their life. Contact us to learn more about how you can lower your energy bills and increase your home comfort.
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