Cleaning your air ducts is something that may be difficult or perhaps impossible for you to do on your own, but you may be wondering if the expense of hiring someone to take care of them for you is worth it.
The short answer? Yes. Absolutely.
Your air ducts have an immense impact on the quality of your indoor air. Think about all of the dirt, debris, and even mold that can build up in your air ducts if you don’t clean them regularly. Now think about when your HVAC system comes on and circulates that air throughout your home, blowing everything in that air around with it – yuck!
Don’t sacrifice your air quality – and ultimately your health – due to dirty air ducts. Give Ambient Edge’s qualified team a call, and let us help you.
How to Know When It’s Time for a Cleaning
If you haven’t cleaned your ducts in a while, then it’s probably time to do so. However, there are more obvious signs that your ducts need cleaning, such as if you’ve recently had a vermin or insect infestation, if you’ve had some remodeling done, and/or if you’re noticing dust visibly blowing around in the home when your HVAC system kicks on.
If you see a buildup of mold or mildew on or around the ducts, then it’s probably a better idea to call a professional to come in and take care of your Spring Hill AC duct cleaning. It is more expensive to call a professional, sure, but in some of the more extreme cases, when you simply can’t take care of the problem by yourself, then it’s certainly smarter than living with air pollution that can make you and your family sick.
Even in milder cases, it might be a good idea to hire a professional simply because, if you don’t clean your ducts the “right” way, then you could end up making the problem worse by dislodging something important or potentially polluting the air even more by allowing certain particles to escape from one room to another.
DIY Air Duct Cleaning
If you’d like to give cleaning your air ducts a shot by yourself, you certainly can. Here’s what you’d need to do.
First, turn off the power to your HVAC system, then remove the air duct covers or grilles. Use a cleaning brush to thoroughly clean the grates. If they’re greasy or caked with dust, use some soap and water to scrape that stuff off.
Once you’ve dried the grates, break out your vacuum and vacuum your ducts as thoroughly as you can. You may even want to consider renting a higher-powered vacuum with a longer hose from your local hardware store to make sure you can get as deep as possible into the ducts. If you find this still isn’t doing the trick, then you may need to call in a professional air duct repair and cleaning company in Kingman for deeper cleaning.
And don’t neglect your ceiling grilles, if you have them. Be sure to use a broom to remove the dust. Just make sure you wear a mask while you do this so you don’t breathe in all the dust and debris that will ultimately fall from the ceiling.
Preventing Dust Buildup in the First Place
One of the best ways to ensure you don’t have to clean your ducts as often is to head the problem off at the pass and prevent the buildup of dust and allergens in the first place.
For one thing, you can sign a preventive maintenance contract, which allows Ambient Edge to come to your home once a year and check on your ducts and HVAC system. We clean the ducts and system out and check for any small issues that, if left untended, could cause catastrophic problems down the road.
Another way to prevent dust buildup is to install filters over each of your hot air registers. Just make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions so you don’t end up restricting your airflow.
Something else you can do is use caulk to seal up any gaps between the wall and the edge of a duct. Sometimes dust looks like it’s coming through your duct but really, it’s escaping through the gap between the duct and the wall.
Need Help Cleaning Your Air Ducts? Ambient Edge is Here!
Neglecting your air ducts can put you and your family at risk for chronic health issues. Not to mention, it’s simply unpleasant to breathe in dirty air. That’s why Ambient Edge’s team of licensed technicians is standing by 24/7 to help you with any and all HVAC service you may need, emergency or otherwise. Fill out the contact form on our website or call us today, and let’s get those air ducts back in ship-shape!