If you’re looking to improve your indoor air quality, you may need to start with your HVAC system. You can buy all the houseplants and air purifiers in the world, but if your HVAC system is continuously pushing out dust and pollutants, then you’re just paddling against the tide.
What follows are some tips with regard to improving the quality of your HVAC system, and thereby the quality of the air you’re breathing in. However, if the problem goes above and beyond what you can do on your own, don’t panic – this is just the thing in which our team at Ambient Edge has expert experience. Just give us a ring, and we’ll get you set up with our next available service appointment.
HVAC Devices that Can Help Improve Your Air Quality
There are a few different HVAC devices on the market that you can try in an effort to clean up the quality of your indoor air. If you already own one or a few of these, then you may want to check that they are not in need of repair or replacing, as that could be the source of your problem right there.
Air Purifiers
You can only vacuum and dust so much. Air purifiers work by trapping even more of the particles that even the most high-quality vacuums and dusters tend to miss. In a way, you can consider your vacuum a doctor, but an air purifier is a specialist.
Some of the pollutants air purifiers can pull from your air include:
- Pollen
- Animal dander
- Tobacco smoke
- Bacteria
- Viruses
Most air purifiers can trap particles as small as one micron, or even a third of a micron. This means that even particles that cause the common cold can be filtered out of your home with an air purifier (definitely something your vacuum does not do).
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Carbon monoxide is one of the most dangerous forms of indoor air pollution. This is because it is odorless, tasteless, and impossible to see. More often than not, people experience carbon monoxide poisoning long before they even realize they have a problem.
A carbon monoxide detector is a smart investment, especially if you cook with gas, or use gas to heat your home. Those appliances that use gas can malfunction, which can create a dangerous buildup of carbon monoxide in your home.
Change Your Air Filters
This cannot be said enough. A major reason why homeowners experience indoor air pollution is that they do not clean and ultimately replace, their air filters often enough. Whether those filters are in their air conditioners or their vents, the problem is the same – especially in climates where you run your air conditioner for a majority of the year.
You should clean your air filters regularly – especially if they’re constantly in use. And you should replace them every 90 days – every 60 days if you have pets.
Dirty filters experience clogs, which prohibits air from filtering through them properly, and you end up with more pollutants in your home. Not only that, but the dust and debris (and sometimes mold) that can clog up a filter will eventually come loose the longer the air pushes up against it – which forces all those unwanted particles to circulate throughout your indoor air supply.
Need Help Improving Your Air Quality? Call Ambient Edge!
In certain situations, no matter what you do, you may not be able to fix your air quality problem on your own. This is particularly true if, say, you have an HVAC system that is over 10 years old. Once your system reaches 10 years old (sometimes younger), it loses its efficiency, and it no longer filters the air properly like it once did. In that case, you need a replacement HVAC system.
If it’s not yet time for an HVAC replacement, then you could require a repair of a particular part, which can also come with its own problems. And, as mentioned earlier, preventive maintenance, particularly cleaning, is crucial to keeping your HVAC system running smoothly – and your indoor air free of pollution.
If you think your HVAC system needs some TLC, Ambient Edge can help. We have decades of experience fixing, cleaning, and replacing HVAC systems, and after just one visit from us, you’ll notice a remarkable difference in the cleanliness of your indoor air. Submit your information to us by way of the contact form on our website or call us to schedule a service call. Don’t neglect your health or your HVAC system – give us a call today and notice the difference in your indoor air quality immediately!