There are so many different kitchen hoods out there that it can be difficult to decide which one is the right one for your kitchen. The “best” kitchen hood for your kitchen depends on a lot of different factors, including ventilation, size, and, of course, price. You may also feel confused by all the different names out there, but whether you call it a kitchen hood, a range hood, or a vent hood, they’re all different names for the same thing.
If you’re having difficulty figuring out which kitchen hood you need, our experts here at Ambient Edge can help with everything from shopping for a new range hood to installing it. We’ll make sure it is a good fit for your kitchen before we install it. After all, we don’t want to waste either your time or ours installing a kitchen hood that won’t do what you need it to do. Call us today for advice, or to schedule your free consultation.
The Right CFM Level for Your Kitchen
One of, if not the, most important things you should be looking for in a kitchen hood is the amount of power it has. You can measure a kitchen hood’s power in cubic feet per minute (CFM). To pick a kitchen hood with the right CFM for your kitchen, you must first determine how many BTUs your range puts out. You should also factor into your decision the type of food you cook most often. Do you cook greasy or odorous foods often? If so, then you’ll need a stronger hood.
Ventilation Capability
Next to power, ventilation is one of the most important deciding factors in the purchase of a new range hood. How much ventilation do you need? Ideally, you should match a hood’s ventilation to your living situation. For instance, if you live in a disconnected house, it may be less of a concern to have more powerful ventilation than if you live in a connected home or apartment, where grease and smoke can waft into your neighbors’ dwellings.
If you do live in an apartment or a connected home, a ductless range hood may be best for your current setup. Before you ultimately settle on a new range hood, it wouldn’t hurt to consult with a professional to ensure you’re making the right choice, and our team at Ambient Edge is always happy to help you.
Size of the Range Hood
The size of the range hood is also something to consider. You don’t want a hood that is too large or too small to do its job properly. Too small, and you’ll be running it forever to clear out your kitchen, wasting energy and money in the process. Too large, and it’s just too much power for the size of your kitchen – another waste of energy and money.
However, before you consider size, you should also consider where you’re going to mount the range hood. If you’ll be putting it on the wall, then it should be equal to the size of your range, if not slightly larger. If you’re putting it on an island, you should have a three to six-inch overlap on each side, which allows for better trapping of heat, odors, and grease.
You should also coordinate your ceiling with your range hood. Unless the manufacturer’s recommendations tell you otherwise, you should have the range hood installed between 24″ and 30” from the ceiling.
Cost of the Range Hood
While cost may not be important insofar as finding the right range hood for your kitchen, it is still of course important to you and your budget. However, with range hoods, something important to keep in mind is that you don’t necessarily “get what you pay for” simply because you spent more money. A fancy-shmancy range hood with all the fixings ultimately may not be right for your kitchen.
On average, a range hood should cost you somewhere in the ballpark of $500. Some range hoods come with lights and other accessories, which make cook time more enjoyable, especially if you need the extra light in your kitchen. However, some range hoods just look nicer and while the style may grab you, it may not be the best decision for your kitchen.
A standard range hood is best for the average household that cooks more average meals. However, if you tend to fry or grill more often on your range than the average bear, and if spicy dishes are your specialty, then a professional range hood may be a better fit for your kitchen.
Shopping for Kitchen Hoods? Ambient Edge Can Help!
If your kitchen tends to get overly hot, smoky, or smelly while you’re cooking, you may find a kitchen hood to be a lifesaver. Also, a kitchen hood can help prevent grease fires. However, you must pick the right hood for your kitchen, or it’s just a waste of money. It has to be the right size, have the right amount of power, and have the capability to vent odors and smoke the way you need it to.
Our experts at Ambient Edge can help you find and install the perfect range hood for your kitchen by measuring your space and analyzing your cooking habits so we can best advise you on how to proceed. Then, we can install it for you at an affordable price! Call us today, and let’s work on improving your home together!