An air conditioner that’s making noise may indicate serious system problems, especially if the noise is louder than normal or new. If you cannot determine the cause of air conditioner noises, it’s best to call a professional for assistance. Screeching or Squealing Sounds If these noises are coming from inside your home, they may indicate […]
Don’t Let These 5 Cooling Myths Leave You Hot Under the Collar
Some common misconceptions about cooling systems have been repeated so often, they’re mistaken as facts, when they may actually be reducing your system’s efficiency. Here’s the truth behind some of the most popular cooling myths. Leaving the Air Conditioner on Constantly Many believe that this will save money compared to turning the system off while […]
Duct Noises Can Be Common, But What Do They Mean?
Good duct design is necessary to maximize home comfort and heating and cooling efficiency, yet the ductwork system often goes unnoticed and unattended. If duct noises have gotten your attention recently, keep reading to help determine the cause of the noise and what action if any should be taken. Rattling and Clamoring Most duct systems, […]
Window Condensation Signals an Indoor Humidity Issue
The Las Vegas area may be hot, but perhaps its most defining feature is that it’s very dry. It’s for just this reason that many homeowners around here tend to be surprised when their homes begin to exhibit high humidity problems. Year-round window condensation is a sign your home has some issues. Paying attention to […]
Plants to Boost Your Indoor Air Quality
Our homes should be havens of rest and relaxation, not ground zero for respiratory illnesses and allergies. Many people have found out the hard way that indoor air pollution is one of the biggest health concerns in the U.S., and the Environmental Protection Agency confirms that contamination can be much worse indoors than it […]
5 Steps for Springtime HVAC Maintenance
Spring is here, and it’s time to think about getting into shape for summer. Don’t worry; we’re not talking about dropping pounds or hitting the gym. It’s time to get your air conditioning and HVAC maintenance done so your system is ready to work all season long. No matter where you are from Las Vegas […]