The summer season is to an air conditioner like the Christmas season is to a retail worker. It’s the hardest time of the year, and you need to spend months preparing for it. The good news is that you are already halfway there by paying attention to your air conditioner and recognizing that you need to prep it in advance in order to get the most out of it.
One of, if not the smartest thing you can do for your air conditioner, is to sign up for a preventive maintenance contract. If you don’t already have one, give our team at Ambient Edge a call. It’ll be one of the most rewarding phone calls you’ll make all year.
Why Preventive Maintenance Is So Important
The best way to ensure your air conditioner is well taken care of this summer season is to sign up for preventive maintenance. At Ambient Edge, our preventive maintenance contracts consist of routine cleanings and tune-ups, which flush out your system and tighten and lubricate all its bells and whistles so it’s ready to take on even the toughest of summer days.
Preventive maintenance contracts can be a godsend for some people because it can be tough to remember when you last cleaned your air conditioner’s filter, for example, or when you’ll need to do it again. The average homeowner more than likely doesn’t feel comfortable opening up their air conditioner to check it for problems – that is, if they even know what to look for.
When we perform preventive maintenance, we root around in your HVAC system looking for any signs of wear and tear, any loose parts, and any low fluid levels that would prevent your air conditioner from running as effectively and efficiently as possible. Once we’re done with your machine, you know you won’t have to think about it all summer because it is locked and loaded and ready for the worst Mother Nature can throw at it!
Things You Can Do to Prepare Your Air Conditioner for Summer
Preventive maintenance is a great way to take care of your machine, but there are some additional things you can do to foster a nurturing environment for your air conditioner so it doesn’t have to work too hard and can focus on the task at hand.
Clearing the Area
If you have an outdoor AC unit, you can clear the area of anything that could potentially restrict the air flow around the unit. Sweep away any debris, including leaves and branches, that could cause a problem, and clear away any objects that may be too close to the unit, like the grill you couldn’t find anywhere else to store at the end of last season, or your children’s toys.
The same goes for window units. You should clear the area of any obstructions that could potentially restrict the air flow around or going into the unit. Make sure nothing is up against the back of the unit, as any objects that are back there can cause the unit to overheat and break down.
Change the Filters
We can’t stress this one enough. Before the summer begins, change the filter(s) in your air conditioner out for brand new versions. This way, you start with a clean slate, and you can plan a routine maintenance schedule going forward. How often you clean and replace your filters depends on how often you use your machine, but good practice is to clean them once a week and replace them every 60 to 90 days (stick to the lower end if you have pets).
So many problems could be prevented or avoided if people remembered to clean their air conditioners’ filters more often. Save yourself the stress and money of a repair and keep your air conditioner’s filter(s) in good working order.
Figure Out Your Ideal Temperature – and Stick to It
Once you find your ideal indoor temperature, keep your thermostat set to that temperature at all times. If you’re constantly adjusting the temperature, this causes your air conditioner to keep adjusting to the changes, which makes it work unnecessarily hard.
Don’t drop the temperature thirty degrees all of a sudden simply because it’s a scorcher outside. This puts undue stress on your air conditioner. Set a room temperature that you’re happy with, and your air conditioner won’t have to stray from the norm to regularly meet it.
Need Help Preparing Your Air Conditioner for the Summer? Ambient Edge Is Here for You!
A preventive maintenance schedule can save you much time, energy, and money in that it helps your unit run more efficiently and break down less often. Signing up for preventive maintenance should be of primary importance before the summer season kicks in, as it’s the best way to ensure you’re doing all you can to keep your AC in good working order for as long as possible.
If you need to sign up for preventive maintenance, Ambient Edge is here. Call us today, or send us a message on our website, because it’s never too soon to start protecting your investment!