It’s a good idea to change your range hood filter every one to three months. You may want to lean closer to the one-month frequency if you do a lot of cooking, or if your cooking style includes a lot of spicy or greasy foods. Grease is particularly important to consider because allowing that to build up increases your chances of having a grease fire in your kitchen.
If you’re not sure how to change your range hood filter, or if you simply don’t want to, it’s no trouble at all for our team at Ambient Edge. We specialize in helping our customers with issues big and small when it comes to their kitchens and HVAC systems. Give us a call anytime, and we will schedule you for our next available appointment to service your air conditioner.
Why a Range Hood Filter Is So Important
Range hood filters are wonderful helpers in the kitchen. They encourage healthy ventilation by grabbing all the grease and smoke from the air as you cook. If your range hood has a vent, then that vent allows the filthy air an escape from your kitchen. If it is ductless, then its charcoal filter allows the cleaned air to recirculate.
Filters are essential for reducing the risk of a kitchen fire, though they can only work well when they’re clean. It’s easy to forget about the filter, since it’s an “out of sight, out of mind” situation. Set a reminder on your phone if you have to so you never forget to take care of it in a timely fashion. However, even when you clean your filter routinely, the time will eventually come when you need to replace it.
How to Clean Your Range Hood Filter
If you’ve been using your range a lot lately, or if it has just been awhile since you last checked on your filter, it’s a good idea to take it out and give it a good cleaning. Simply slide it out of the range hood and pop it into a sink filled with hot water and a dish soap that specializes in grease removal.
Let the filter soak for 10 minutes or so, then take a sponge to it to scrub off any stubborn debris or grease. Let it air dry and reinstall it. However, if you notice that it’s still caked with filth even after you soak and scrub it, then it’s time for a replacement. You don’t want to procrastinate on replacing your filter because it’s not good for the air quality in your kitchen and it could promote a fire.
When to Replace Your Range Hood Filter
Depending on the kind of range hood you have, you may not have to put any thought into when you need to replace the filter. Some models come with their own filter maintenance lights to make the process a bit simpler.
However, if your model does not have this, then it’s a good rule of thumb to change the filter every one to three months. Of course, if you cook a lot more than the average homeowner does, then you’ll need to change it more often. It shouldn’t set you back much, though, if at all, since a new filter usually costs anywhere from $10 to $15.
Need Help with Your Range Hood Filter? Ambient Edge Is Here!
A range hood filter is only as helpful as it is clean. When you forget to clean it for months at a time, it becomes more difficult, perhaps even impossible, to clean. Then you need to replace it. However, if you forget to clean and replace it, then you are at risk of a grease fire every time you turn on your range to cook.
Don’t let time slip away from you and cause you to neglect your range hood filter. If you simply can’t remember to take care of it no matter what you do, trust our team at Ambient Edge to help. We can stop by whenever you need us to clean the filter and replace it when it’s time. No job is too small for us. We would much rather help our customers than see them risk a fire.
Our 100% satisfaction guarantee covers all our parts and services so, while we are careful and clean while on the premises, you have protection in the event something breaks or goes wrong. If it’s been a while since someone has helped change your range hood filter, don’t wait any longer. Call Ambient Edge today, and let us help!